
好貓 Good Cats

Good Cats_Still 2.jpg 

11/09 (一)10:30  信義12廳
11/10 (二)21:40  信義12廳
導演 : 應亮(Ying Liang)
國別 : 中
年份 : 2008
片長 : 103min
規格 : HDV
得獎紀錄 : 2008布里斯本影展費比西獎. 2008卡羅維瓦利影展 .2008倫敦電影節費比西獎


Due to the sharp rise in real estate prices, drastic changes have occurred in Zigong, an inland city in Southwest China. Luo Liang, almost thirty, is a chauffeur who runs errands for a real estate boss. He rides a broken motorcycle and lives in a shabby house. Although he is sneered at by his wife who came from a family of intellectuals, he is content with being somebody's vassal. Still, he dreams of returning home with fame and money.


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