
馬嘎巴海 Magabahai


still photo3.jpg 

11/19  (四)  20:30  新光3廳  ★
11/23  (一)  18:00  新光3廳  ★
導演 : 杜均堂( Patrick Tu)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 20min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009釜山影展亞洲短片競賽


An American riding a fashionable, professional bike whizzes down the highway. However he soon runs into an old man of the Amis Tribe on an old-fashioned clunker, who repeatedly pops up in front of him. The American follows the old man into the mountains. Without the aid of a common language and being forced to follow the old man through the mountains for an entire day, the American unexpectedly meets the happiest day of his journey.


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