
乘著光影旅行Let the Wind Carry Me

102 乘著光影去旅行.jpg 
11/23  (一)  18:30  信義14廳   ★◎
11/25  (三)  17:00  信義13廳   ★
導演 : 姜秀瓊、關本良(Chiang Hsiu-Chiung, Kwan Pun-Leung)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 90min
規格 : 35mm


What can be retained in photography? Where is cinema leading us to? Is there the meaning of life after all? Running at 24 frames per second - that’s the pace of Mark Lee. He travels with his eyes and his heart, chasing the fleeting lights and colors, transforming them into visions of film directors, or voices within every audience. We followed his footsteps, gathering the fragments lost between frames, discovering the passion he gave to the Taiwanese cinema.

 本場次為免費入場,憑三張『焦點影人』單元票券,即可於影展期間至現場服務台兌換入場券一張 (每場次票券有限,換完為止)

詳情請見:重度影痴大會堂 與大師面對面

李屏賓相關作品,『戀戀金馬 公視影展』同步推出


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