
我不買西裝 Buy a Suit

94 我不買西裝.jpg 
◎  11/13  (五)  18:00  信義12廳
◎  11/14  (六)  12:30  信義12廳
導演 : 市川準(Ichikawa Jun )
國別 : 日
年份 : 2008
片長 : 47min
規格 : DigiBeta
得獎紀錄 : 2008東京影展、2009香港電影節

因為收到失蹤已久哥哥的明信片,雪子來到東京開始了她的尋人之旅,隨著塵封的往事一一浮現,她也開始走進城市最孤獨的深處,看見都市底層的焦躁、空虛與失落。市川準第一部採用 DV數位媒材拍攝完成的作品,卻也是驟逝前最後遺作,他再將目光聚焦於都市邊緣的失意心靈,看似隨意流轉的鏡頭,刻畫出現代人如何在理想與妥協之間,無盡漂流。

Yuki comes to Tokyo from Osaka to meets her brother's friend, Yamaguchi. She has recently received a postcard from her long-lost brother, Hisashi, so she wants to know if he know anything about her brother. She follows the clues and address, then comes to the foot of the bridge. The landscape along the Sumida River is peppered with cardboard homes. From the corner of that cardboard village, her brother scrambles out. The faltering conversation between brother and sister leads to a plan to meet Hisashi's ex-wife, Tomoko...

 本場次為免費入場,憑三張『焦點影人』單元票券,即可於影展期間至現場服務台兌換入場券一張 (每場次票券有限,換完為止)

詳情請見:重度影痴大會堂 與大師面對面

市川準相關作品,『戀戀金馬 公視影展』同步推出


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