
受影響的女人 A Woman under the Influence

91 受影響的女人.jpg 
11/12  (四)  21:40  新光2廳
11/15  (日)  13:00  新光2廳
導演 : 約翰卡薩維蒂(John Cassavetes)
國別 : 美
年份 : 1974
片長 : 147min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 1975金球獎最佳女主角獎,1975奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演、最佳女主角入圍,1975聖塞巴斯汀影展最佳影片銀貝殼獎、最佳女主角獎,1990美國國家電影保護局典藏影片


They live on the edge of the razor, the quietly insane, partially fulfilling, endless line between near pleasure and pain. Under the influence of the man she loves, Mabel, a working man’s housewife, quietly breaks down. She doesn’t feel that she belongs in the story of her love for her husband, and a journey they both make towards the final goal of understanding one another.


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