
墨西哥幾點 Lake Tahoe


11/10  (二)  14:30  信義13廳
11/14  (六)  18:00  信義13廳
11/18  (三)  21:30  信義12廳
導演 : 佛南多安博可(Fernando Eimbcke)
國別 : 墨
年份 : 2008
片長 : 81min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2008柏林影展影評人費比西獎、Alfred Bauer獎、2008墨西哥Guadalajara影展最佳導演


Teenage Juan crashes his family's car into a telegraph pole on the outskirts of town, and then scours the streets searching for someone to help him fix it. His guest will bring him to Don Heber, Lucía, and a teenage mechanic. The absurd and bewildering worlds of these characters drag Juan into a one day journey in which he will come to accept what he was escaping from in the first place.


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