
一鏡到底之人體炸彈 PVC-1

Kids and Gun.jpg 

11/09  (一)  19:30  信義12廳
11/16  (一)  22:50  信義12廳
11/24  (二)  22:00  新光3廳
導演 : 斯皮洛斯特森路普洛斯(Spiros Stathoulopoulos)
國別 : 哥倫比亞
年份 : 2007
片長 : 85min
規格 : DigiBeta
得獎紀錄 : 2007坎城影展羅馬城市獎、2007希臘奧斯卡銀亞歷山大獎、最佳男主角、影評人費比西獎、觀眾票選獎、2008泰國曼谷電影節最佳影片


Shot in one, continuous take, PVC-1 is inspired by the true story of an innocent woman’s struggle for survival after she is fitted with a collar-bomb. In Colombia, a woman and her family became the victim of an unusual act of terrorism. Unable to pay a ransom, the mother is turned into a human time bomb and is now trapped in a physical and mental circumstance from which she and her family try to break free.


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