汽車墳場 Carcasses
11/15 (日) 12:30 新光3廳
11/17 (二) 16:50 新光3廳
導演 : 丹尼斯柯特(Denis Cote)
國別 : 加
年份 : 2009
片長 : 72min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009坎城影展導演雙週、2009多倫多影展
Jean-Paul Colmor is 74 years old. After an accident, he took an early retirement and has been collecting cars, wrecks and junk for the last 40 years. Living among the debris, he works all day on his unimaginable property, furnishing and dealing car parts to mechanics and other iron aficionados. One day, four intruders visit Colmor in search of a corner of twisted paradise. Carcasses uses documentary and fictitious elements to try getting at the soul of an unthinkable place.