犬齒之家 Dogtooth
11/08 (日) 19:40 信義12廳+13廳 【已售完】
11/13 (五) 13:20 信義13廳+14廳
導演 : 吉歐格斯藍堤摩斯(Giorgos Lanthimos)
國別 : 希臘
年份 : 2009
片長 : 94min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009 坎城影展一種注目最佳影片
The family lives in a house surrounded by tall fence. The kids have never left the house. They are being educated and entertained in the manner that their parents deem appropriate, without any influence from the outside world. The only person allowed to enter the house is Christina who works for their father. One day Christina gives the elder daughter a headband and asks for something in return...