韶光在此停駐 The Time That Remains
11/15 (日) 13:00 信義13廳+14廳
11/17 (二) 15:10 信義13廳+14廳
11/18 (三) 19:10 信義13廳+14廳
導演 : 伊利亞蘇萊曼(Elia Suleiman)
國別 : 巴勒斯坦、法
年份 : 2009
片長 : 105min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009坎城影展競賽片
The Time That Remains is a semi-biographical film of Elia Suleiman. It’s inspired by his father's private diaries and his mother's letters to family members who were forced to leave the country. Combined with his intimate memories of them, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained and were labelled 'Israeli-Arabs', living as a minority in their own homeland.