杭特湯普森的叛逆人生 Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
11/06 (五) 12:30 信義12+13廳
11/15 (日) 10:30 信義13+14廳
11/16 (一) 21:20 信義13+14廳
導演 : 艾利克斯吉柏尼(Alex Gibney)
國別 : 美
年份 : 2008
片長 : 120min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2008日舞影展最佳紀錄片入圍
Fuelled by a raging libido and superhuman doses of drugs, Dr Hunter S. Thompson was a true 'free lance', goring sacred cows with impunity, hilarity, and a steel-eyed conviction for writing wrongs. Focusing on Thompson’s heyday, from 1965 to 1975, the film includes clips of never-before-seen (nor heard) home movies, audiotapes, and passages from unpublished manuscripts.