派翠克一歲半 Patrik, Age 1.5
11/07 (六) 12:40 信義12+13廳【已售完】
11/08 (日) 22:40 信義12+13廳
11/18 (三) 17:00 信義13+14廳
導演 : 艾拉雷姆哈根(Ella Lemhagen)
國別 : 瑞典
年份 : 2008
片長 : 103min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009舊金山同志影展觀眾票選最佳影片、2009德國Verzaubert同志影展最佳影片
Göran and Sven have been cleared for adoption and they have a possibility to adopt a Swedish orphan, Patrik 1,5. But when Patrik arrives he turns out to be someone else, not the little boy they were expecting. A comma has been misplaced, and in comes a 15-year-old homophobic boy with a criminal past.