保加利亞天空下 Eastern Plays
11/07 (六) 14:20 新光3廳
11/08 (日) 22:30 新光3廳
11/10 (二) 17:20 新光2廳
導演 : 卡門卡萊夫(Kamen Kalev)
國別 : 保加利亞、瑞典
年份 : 2009
片長 : 89min
規格 : 35mm
Two brothers who had lost contact are brought together when they play opposite roles in a racist beating. While Georgi who recently joined a neo-Nazi group participates in the violence, Itzo witnesses and rescues the Turkish family. Georgi, now being asked to participate in larger events, starts to question his implication in the movement and Itzo wonders if the Turkish girl he saved could be his ticket out of his sad life in Sofia…