
儀式 La cérémonie

La ceremonie.jpg 

11/19  (四)  19:00  信義12廳 【已售完】
11/22  (日)  11:00  信義14廳 ★【已售完】
導演 : 克勞德夏布洛 (Claude Chabrol)
國別 : 法、德
年份 : 1995
片長 : 111 min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 1995威尼斯影展最佳女主角、1996凱薩獎最佳女主角、1996洛杉磯、美國國家影評人最佳外語片


Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for the upper-class family Lelievre, hides her illiteracy under the cloak of a perfect household and obedience. She finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers. Things start to escalate as the Lelievres find out that Sophie can't read and has brought Jeanne into their house against their wish.


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