編織的女孩 The Lacemaker
11/10 (二) 21:30 信義13廳
11/24 (二) 13:30 信義13廳
導演 : 克勞德勾特(Claude Goretta)
國別 : 法、德、瑞士
年份 : 1977
片長 : 108 min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 1977坎城影展人道精神獎、1978英國金像獎最佳新人獎
Beatrice is a very reserved and quiet young woman. Her friend Marylene is left by her lover and brings her to Cabourg (Normandy) for a few days' vacation. There, Beatrice, an apprentice hairdresser, meets Francois, a middle-class intellectual. Francois becomes her first lover, but their social and cultural differences get in the way of happiness.