白色緞帶 The White Ribbon


11/26  (四)  19:00  信義13廳【已售完】
導演 : 麥可漢內克(Michael Haneke)
國別 : 奧、德、義、法
年份 : 2009
片長 : 144min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009坎城影展金棕櫚獎最佳影片、國際影評人費比西獎、天主教人道精神特別獎,法國教育部獎


A village in Protestant northern Germany. 1913-1914. On the eve of World War I. The story of the children and teenagers of a choir run by the village schoolteacher, and their families: the baron, the steward, the pastor, the doctor, the midwife, the tenant farmers. Strange accidents occur and gradually take on the character of a punishment ritual. Who is behind it all? The schoolteacher observes, investigates and little by little discovers the incredible truth. Won the Cannes Film Festival 2009 Golden Palm Award.


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