
悲情城市 A City of Sadness

悲情城市 01.BMP 

11/22  (日)  10:30  信義13廳  ★【已售完】
11/25  (三)  14:00  信義13廳 
導演 : 侯孝賢(Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
國別 : 台
年份 : 1989
片長 : 157min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 1989威尼斯影展金獅獎、聯合國教科文組織獎、1989金馬獎最佳導演、男主角、1990日本電影旬報獎最佳外語片


Seen through the prism of the Lin family, this complex family drama from Taiwanese master Hou Hsiao Hsien details a brief but crucial moment in Taiwanese history between 1945, when 50 years of Japanese colonial rule came to an end, and 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Kuomintang forces established a government-in-exile after the Communist army captured mainland China. ※The new print is provided by Film Studies Center & English Department at NCU


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