
童年往事 The Time to Live and the Time to Die


11/23  (一)  14:20  信義14廳 ★

導演 : 侯孝賢 (Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
國別 : 台
年份 : 1998
片長 : 113min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 1985金馬獎最佳原著劇本、最佳女配角、1985亞太影展評審委員特別獎、最佳攝影、最佳美術設計、1986柏林影展費比西獎、1990日本電影旬報最佳外國導演

電影從主角阿孝的童年記憶出發,以自大陸遷台後五 ○年代末期的時空背景作為舞台,細數一家祖孫三代各自抱持的迥異土地情懷。這部自傳性質濃厚的電影是侯孝賢和李屏賓的第一次聯手,兩個都在鳳山長大的男人試圖找出一種過去生活的感覺,光影不再走傳統的飽滿路線,反而自成一格,開啟了兩人的信任與默契,也從此展開一連串合作。

Director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's semi-autobiographical film, drawing on his childhood experiences when his family relocated to Taiwan from China. Spanning the years 1947-1960, the film follows the maturation of Ah-ha as he and his family cope with the shock of leaving their homeland. Ah-ha quickly acclimates himself to the new country, often putting him at odds with his more traditional family. However, Ah-ha's eccentric and slightly batty grandmother dotes over him, and often regales him with her tales of China and her desire to return there...


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