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11/17   (二)   21:50  信義13廳+14廳
11/20   (五)   19:00  信義13廳+14廳
導演 : 塔蒂亞羅森薩(Tatia Rosenthal)
國別 : 以、澳
年份 : 2008
片長 : 78min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009墨西哥城市影展最佳導演、觀眾票選最佳影片

Dave Peck, a 28-year old man who still lives at home and unemployed. In his struggle to share his find with the world, Dave's surreal path crosses with those of his unusual neighbours: an old man and his disgruntled guardian angel, a magician in debt, a bewitching woman who likes her men extra smooth, and a little boy who sets his piggy bank free. Their stories are woven together, examining the post-modern meaning of hope.


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