你是否聽見花開 Do You Hear the Flowers Bloom

11/21  (六)  17:00  新光3廳  ★
11/25  (三)  16:10  新光3廳  ★
導演 : 連奕琦(Lien Yi-Chi)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 34min
規格 : Digibeta


" I'm Soul Agent D9, what you call Death. You've got just one more minute to live. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of Soul'." Soul Agent D9 is very proud of her brilliant performance. She needs to finish just one more case to be admitted to Heaven. However, the last soul she is supposed to bring back vanishes into thin air...


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