
Happy Ending Happy Ending


happy ending #02.jpg  

11/19  (四)  20:30  新光3廳  ★
11/23  (一)  18:00  新光3廳  ★
導演 : 張瑋真(Chang Wei-Chen)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 25min
規格 : 35mm

洗頭是很危險的!年近古稀的孤單老人朱老頭似乎迷上了十九歲洗頭妹,在洗頭時短暫肌膚相接中感受到久違的溫暖。他不但天天來找她洗頭,還大方地自掏腰包幫她買產品。老頭兒子瑞生發覺事情有異,私下展開個人調查,終於發現老頭晚年春心大動的秘密。只是這最後的結果,對朱老頭或瑞生來講,會是一場皆大歡喜的Happy Ending嗎?

Hair-washing could be fatal! Especially when the old man, Chu, bumps into the young hair-washing girl, Cyndi. Chu gets obsessed with the warmth and the touches from Cyndi's service, and then his obsession extends to Cyndi herself. Rick, Chu's son, finds something fishy about Chu's last days and starts the investigation. However, will the result be a happy ending?


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