
片刻暖和 Sleeping with Her


11/19  (四)  20:30  新光3廳   ★
11/23  (一)  18:00  新光3廳  ★
11/25  (三)  16:00  信義12廳 ★
導演 : 溫知儀(Wen Chih-Yi)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 28min
規格 : 35mm

印傭緹緹絲在台灣照顧無血緣的婆婆,日夜親密相處卻同床異夢 。婆婆需要陪伴,用固執的管控方式對待死去的女兒蕙蕙以及緹緹絲;緹緹絲想要離開,就像蕙蕙一樣,期待與戀人遠走高飛。最終,緹緹絲才了解,那個她怨懟的婆婆,才是能陪她度過凜冽冬天,給她片刻暖和的人。

Titisi is an Indonesian carer who looks after Grandma in Taiwan. Although they live so closely together that they even share the same bed, they have different dreams and fight against each other from time to time. Grandma treats Titisi in the same way as she did to her dead daughter, Hui Hui. However, Titisi longs for going away with her lover , just like Hui Hui…


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