小豬撲滿的願望 Treeless Mountain


11/08  (日)  20:50  新光2廳
11/09  (一)  16:30  新光2廳
11/11  (三)  15:00  新光2廳
導演 : 金素英(Kim So-Yong)
國別 : 韓
年份 : 2008
片長 : 89min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009 柏林影展青年論壇、2008 杜拜影展最佳影片、2008 釜山影展Netpac Award


When their mother decides to find their estranged father, six-year-old Jin and her younger sister are left to live with their Big Aunt for the summer. With only a small piggy bank and their mother’s promise to return when it is full, the two young girls are forced to adopt their new life. But when the bank fills up, and with their mother still not back, Big Aunt decides that she can no longer tend the children.


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