
原味人生 Original

Henry spillet af Sverrir Gudnasson_ORIGINAL_ZENTROPA (2).jpg 

11/07  (六)  10:30  信義12廳+13廳 【已售完】
11/09  (一)  19:00  信義13廳 【已售完】
11/14  (六)  15:00  信義14廳【已售完】
導演 : 亞歷山大布倫斯特、安東尼奧度貝倫(Alexander Brøndsted, Antonio Tublen)
國別 : 丹麥
年份 : 2009
片長 : 104min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009上海電影節最佳影片金爵獎、最佳男主角獎


Henry has been acting the human chameleon all his life. One day Henry's best friend Jon talks him into opening a restaurant with him in Spain. Before leaving Henry is caught up in a maelstrom of bizarre events. In order to get control over his life Henry needs to stop being a pale copy and transform himself to the sparkling original he really is. A journey, which requires both a passport and trip into his own twisted mind.


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