席德與南西的真實故事 Who Killed Nancy?


11/07  (六)  15:20  新光2廳
11/19  (四)  14:10  新光3廳
11/25  (三)  20:30  新光3廳
導演 : 艾倫帕克(Alan G. Parker)
國別 : 英
年份 : 2008
片長 : 100min
規格 : DigiBeta
得獎紀錄 : 2009坎城影展


On October 12th 1978 Nancy Spungen, an ex-prostitute, was found dead in the Chelsea Hotel in New York. Her boyfriend, Sid Vicious, the Sex Pistols' bassist, was quickly accused of her murder. Less than 6 months later, he died of a heroin overdose and the case was closed. At the request of Sid's mother, rock author and punk expert Alan Parker has devoted himself to discovering Who Killed Nancy?


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