性福農莊 Ander


 11/25  (三)  19:30  信義13廳

導演 : 羅貝托卡斯頓(Roberto Castón)
國別 : 西班牙
年份 : 2009
片長 : 128min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2009柏林影展C.I.C.A.E.獎


Ander, a farmer well into his forties, lives with his old mother and having a monotonous life filled with nothing but farm work. One day, Ander has an accident and breaks his leg. They decide to employ a Peruvian immigrant, José, in order to help out. The two men in particular become firm friends. Ander also begins to seek out José's company more often. And then, at a completely unexpected moment, a sexual encounter occurs between the two men...


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