眼淚 Tears



11/05 (四) 19:30  信義14廳+15廳  ★

11/21 (六)  17:30  信義12廳  ★

導演 : 鄭文堂(Cheng Wen-Tang)
國別 : 台
年份 : 2009
片長 : 111min
規格 : 35mm


Days approaching his sixtieth birthday, veteran Detective Kuo receives a new assignment involving the death of a young girl due to drug overdose. Departmental superiors see it as a textbook crime and urge him to conclude the case, but experience and sense tell Kuo otherwise. Kuo's uncompromising principles and refusal to close the case turn him into an outcast, isolated from colleagues and family. And just when Kuo is on the verge of a breakthrough, his own dark past is unveiled…


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